The Teacher as the Facilitator of Learning.
My Education Foundation was Teacher Centered! Sterehe High School students during an exam. Education in Kenya, especially at primary and high school levels, is mainly teacher centered and exam oriented. The teacher is the central figure of authority in the classroom. For instance, the teacher is responsible of the entire learning process, designing classroom policy, and the sole decision maker regarding classroom activities. Furthermore, the teacher is to be respected, even feared, and cannot be challenged. There are less classroom activities that require students’ direct participation, and lessons are designed in such a way that all students do is listen to lectures and take down lesson notes dictated by the teacher or from a textbook. In high school, some learner centered practices such as group discussions are encouraged; however, the teacher remains the know-it-all-can’t-be-challenged figure that the students are often afraid of. Basically, the role of the teacher is more ...